List of Sources & Additional Material




Wikipedia is an extremely useful resource with constant peer-editing.  However, it can contain errors and cross checking is advised where possible.


The Unsplash app has an amazing selection of royalty-free photographs from around the world.



150 Stories and Images of Arrival in Northumberland County – produced by Northumberland County in celebration of Canada 150.


Children’s Books

Building a Home, by Casandra Lee, produced by the New Canadians Centre Peterborough


Making Canada Home – How Immigrants Shaped This Country, By Susan Hughes, ISBN 978-1-77147-202-9


Pushes & Pulls – Why do people migrate?, by Robert Walker, ISBN 978-0-7787-5198-4


The Kids Book of Canadian Immigration, by Deborah Hodge & John Mantha, ISBN 978-155337-484-8



Northumberland County Archives


Room on the Boat, Translated and edited by Mary Ots Donaldson, ISBN 978-1-7386663-0-0  (Details of the story Mary tells in her video)




Grape Island

Before the Silence, by Ruth Clarke, ISBN 978-0-9685572-0-4 (A history of the Alderville First Nation 1825-1875)

Alderville First Nation…A History, by Brian Beaver, ISBN 978-1-7770560-0-1



The Netherlandic Presence in Ontario: Pillars, Class and Dutch Ethnicity by Frans J. Schryer, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, Waterloo, Ontario, 1998  ISBN 978-0-8892031-2-9



Death or Canada – The Irish Famine Migration to Toronto 1847 by Mark G. McGowan, Novalis Publishing  ISBN ‎ 978-2-8964612-9-5

Reminiscences of Cobourg by Bernard McAllister  https:/



Migrant Workers – the issues, Canadian Council for Refugees

Organizations in Canada Supporting Migrant Agricultural Workers


South Africa

South African History Online (a reliable source of information on South African history)


Sri Lanka

Book by Shane Joseph



Many news and humanitarian websites report regularly on the current situation in Syria.  They include Al Jazeera and World Vision.

Tracing the Evolution of the Syrian Civil War (2011-2020). Band-Aids, Not Bullets: EU Policies and Interventions in the Syrian and Iraqi Civil Wars by Erwin van Veen, Alba Di Pietrantonio Pellise, Nancy Ezzeddine, and Paolo Napolitano, Clingendael Institute

Syria’s Civil War: The Descent into Horror by Zachery Laub,  Council on Foreign Relations. February 14, 2023. Syria’s War and the Descent Into Horror (


USA – UEL – United Empire Loyalists Association website


USA – URR – Ontario Heritage Trust pages